Wednesday, May 28, 2014

At What Age Should My Child Visit the Orthodontist?

A common myth we often hear is that your child does not need to see an orthodontist until all of their permanent teeth are present in the mouth.   However, by the time all of the permanent teeth have come in, your child is more mature in growth and may have missed a narrow window to correct jaw growth problems, bite problems and dental abnormalities.  By waiting, an orthodontist may have fewer options to correct problems such as crowding, narrow bite, and growth problems, to mention a few.  The older the child the harder it may be to correct the given problem. 

Our Advice:  Do not let the appearance of straight teeth fool you; there may be hidden issues that you do not see. 

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children see an orthodontist by age 7.  Not all children need treatment at this age.  In fact, only about 20-30% of patients will be treated early.  However, there may be underlying issues that only an orthodontist is trained to see.  A few reasons for early or interceptive orthodontic treatment include:
·         Maintaining space for baby teeth that were lost early in order to limit overlapping of permanent teeth.
·         To create space for the proper eruption of the permanent teeth and potentially eliminating the need for removal of permanent teeth.
·         Jaw growth discrepancies can be monitored and addressed  at the appropriate age time to accomplish the best results.
·         Expanding the upper jaw to correct bite problems.
·         Tooth abnormalities ( i.e. missing teeth) can be caught early and addressed in the most efficient manner.
·         Teeth that are more prone to injury, especially the upper front teeth, can be recognized.

If an interceptive phase of orthodontics is not needed, your child will be placed on growth observation to monitor his or her skeletal growth and dental development throughout the years.  If orthodontics is needed in the future, it can be started at the appropriate time. 

If you have any questions, please give us a call and we would be happy to answer any of your questions.  Thanks!